Blood donations... ain't the first time you've heard of it. Is that all there is to it?
Let's change things up.
Our mission is to revamp youths' perception of blood donations with a fresh approach.
Keep a lookout for our Instagram, roadshows, installations around campus and a themed blood drive with movie screenings!

What's the issue?
With our aging population, more elderly are developing health complications that require blood donations, while average 600 existing donors mature and fall out of the donor pool every year.
It's time for us youths to step up and play a part.
Get to know us!
Brought to you by 4 undergraduates from NTU Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information,
in collaboration with Red Cross Youth NTU Chapter

Elaine Tay
Research & Operations

Celine Koh
Creative Strategist

Magdalene Chew
Broadcast Manager

Bai Yingzhi
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